Pioneering Sustainability Through Shingle Recycling

As environmental concerns continue to shape our world, the importance of sustainable practices within the construction industry cannot be overstated. Vermont Construction Company, a leading roofing company, is…

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As environmental concerns continue to shape our world, the importance of sustainable practices within the construction industry cannot be overstated. Vermont Construction Company, a leading roofing company, is proud to announce its commitment to recycling old shingles as part of our ongoing efforts to promote sustainability and contribute to local environmental initiatives. We are thrilled to partner with local organizations, communities, and fellow Vermonters in our mission to build a greener future.

Vermont Construction Company firmly believes in taking responsibility for the materials we use and the impact they have on the environment. In line with this commitment, we have taken the Owens Corning Shingle Recycling Pledge, which aligns perfectly with our values and vision for sustainable construction practices. By partnering with Owens Corning, a leader in roofing and insulation materials, we ensure that every shingle we recycle contributes to a greener, more sustainable future.

Recycling old shingles offers numerous benefits, both for the environment and the local community. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Conservation of Natural Resources: Shingle recycling reduces the demand for new raw materials, such as asphalt and minerals. By reusing and repurposing old shingles, we help conserve valuable natural resources, reducing the strain on our environment.
  2. Reduction of Landfill Waste: Traditional disposal methods often result in shingles ending up in landfills, where they can take decades to decompose. Through our recycling efforts, we divert shingles away from landfills, minimizing waste and helping to create a more sustainable waste management system.
  3. Energy Savings: The recycling process requires less energy than producing new materials from scratch. By recycling shingles, we contribute to energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing.
  4. Contribution to Road Infrastructure: Vermont Construction Company partners with Myers Red Cans, a local recycling facility specializing in asphalt shingle recycling. Myers Red Cans hand-picks the asphalt shingles and crushes them to be used as road base material in infrastructure projects. By collaborating with Myers Red Cans, we contribute to the development of sustainable road construction practices, enhancing the longevity and durability of our local roads.

At Vermont Construction Company, we recognize that building a sustainable future is a collaborative effort. We are proud to partner with local organizations and initiatives focused on environmental conservation and sustainability. Through our active involvement, we aim to promote eco-friendly practices, encourage green construction techniques, and inspire others to adopt sustainable approaches in their own projects.

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At Vermont Construction Company, we recognize that building a sustainable future is a collaborative effort. We are proud to partner with local organizations and initiatives focused on environmental conservation and sustainability. Through our active involvement, we aim to promote eco-friendly practices, encourage green construction techniques, and inspire others to adopt sustainable approaches in their own projects.

Vermont Construction Company is proud to be at the forefront of sustainable roofing practices in Vermont. Our dedication to recycling old shingles, combined with our partnership with Owens Corning and local sustainability efforts, demonstrates our commitment to environmental stewardship. Through our actions, we aim to inspire others in the construction industry to adopt eco-friendly practices and contribute to a more sustainable world. Join us as we build a brighter, greener future for Vermont.